If you've watched or read any news in the last 10 years, chances are you've heard about high fructose corn syrup. Learn the side effects of corn syrup here.
Did you know high fructose corn syrup can have potentially serious side effects?
It is found in a wide variety of food products, but this doesn't mean it is good for our health. As much as we would like to, we can't always trust companies to do the right thing. You could be making yourself ill without even realizing it.
Why is High Fructose Corn Syrup so bad for you?
When we think about corn, it does sound healthy. However, high fructose corn syrup isn't the same as eating a corn on the cob from your own backyard veggie patch. It is a controversial ingredient which is used as a liquid sugar substitute. It is digested by the body the same way as sugar. It can be confusing. Fructose can be found in natural products. This includes things like fresh fruit and honey. We don't want you to avoid these types of foods. The keyword is "natural". The problem is the high levels of fructose being consumed, as it is often too much for the body to handle. The way it has been processed turns it into a more chemical ingredient.
What are the side effects of consuming too much?
There is a large range of health issues which can occur from eating too much of the sweet stuff. These diseases are mostly preventable so as consumers we need to be more aware of what we are putting into our bodies. Here are just a few of the more serious potential side effects:
Type 2 Diabetes
We have established high fructose corn syrup is similar to traditional sugar. Did you know it can lead to type 2 diabetes? This is a medical condition which can change the rest of your life. You will have to be conscious of monitoring and treating any side effects. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by your body becoming resistant to insulin due to having an overload of glucose in the bloodstream. While type 2 diabetes can be treated, it won't ever be cured completely. Kidney damage, heart attack, blurred vision, and tiredness are just a few potential symptoms of this disease.
Heart Disease
Cardiovascular disease can be caused by having too much corn syrup and sugar in the diet. Your organs can't keep up and it places significant stress on your bodily functions. Studies have shown that for those who consume 17-25 percent of their daily calories from sugar, their risk of dying from cardiovascular disease increased. This increase was by a massive 38%. Simply cutting down this ingredient in your diet to a safer level could increase your life expectancy.
Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic in both adults and children. It is easily preventable by changing lifestyle and diet. Sweets are addictive and we often become reliant on them to regulate your mood or satisfy cravings. The problem is, this ingredient isn't just limited to desserts. You may think you are eating healthy by choosing savory foods - but it is often hidden inside these too. The only way to reverse this is by making changes to your diet and exercise patterns.
The brain can also be affected by an excess of sugar. It can hinder your memory which could be detrimental over a long period of time. When your body creates an insulin resistance it can even increase the risk of things like Alzheimer's. A rise in blood sugar can cause inflammation in the body. Your body needs fresh, organic ingredients in order to keep your mind and body functioning as they should.
Liver Failure
Almost 2/3 Americans suffer from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease making it a huge burden on the health care system. Your liver is in charge of processing various foods and drinks, and when it can't keep up it can go into meltdown. Over time, this can lead to liver failure. In addition to the pressure on your liver, when it is overwhelmed it will turn anything it can't break down - into fat!
If it is so bad for you, why do companies still use it?
One of the main reasons high fructose corn syrup has become such a common ingredients is the price! In America, it is actually much cheaper than white sugar. The government plays a role in this as they offer financial subsidies for farmers. Unfortunately, a large portion of the corn is genetically modified and sprayed with harsh chemicals. In addition to the low price, high fructose corn syrup helps to extend the life of food items. It is commonly added to processed foods for this very reason.
You get what you pay for!
How can you avoid this ingredient?
We know it is bad for us, but how can we avoid something which is everywhere? It isn't easy but you can start by checking the labels. Educate yourself on what you are picking up from the supermarket shelves. Make a conscious effort to choose products which do not include this on the ingredients list. Shop at local markets or seek our brands which offer something better for you. Please note, it may fall under a different name. Alternative names usually end in "syrup" or "fructose". These include Maize, Glucose, Fruit, Dahlia, Tapioca and Crystalline. Where possible, try to choose fresh ingredients. Look for organic alternatives and those without any nasty additions. Sometimes you may pay a little extra, but the health benefits will be worth the investment in your diet.
Cavemen didn't have the health problems we have today, so try to go back to basics.
Did you know?
Did you know many different types of ketchup contain high fructose corn syrup? This is something we all use on a regular basis. You could, in fact, end up unwittingly adding sugar to your burger!
Never fear, we make a range of organic sauces which are better for you. They don't contain any high fructose corn syrup, only organic ingredients. Plus, with our secret family recipes, they taste delicious. Check out one of our most popular items, the Original Recipe Organic Ketchup.